World Citizen

On his deathbed, a mentor of mine whispered to me, when I expressed concern for my future, “Molly, you’ll be fine. You are the most adaptive person I have ever met.” I have held those words in my heart life has tossed both the good and the bad at me and I have adapted as needed. Being ready for change is something every World Citizen should be prepared for. Like it or not, things are changing faster than ever. You can adapt or go extinct. I choose to adapt.

Iceland started out as a quaint little island with some hot springs on it and has changed to a bustling metropolis with happenin’ nightlife and an education system I covet as I have studied her. She’s green and grand and the tourists have discovered her. There is so much to see and do! She is rapidly becoming a place I want to visit!

Hypertext will be a way for me to share all I have discovered as we dive into our country websites. I hope to give people a glimpse of the Iceland I have come to know and love. Images, sites, and recipes to become an enlightened World Citizen are all at your fingertips!

Reykjavik, Iceland Image from Pixaby