Why Image Systems are Important

An image system is a theme or image that is repeated in films by the same movie producer. It is often unnoticed by the viewers but can become apparent as more movies are produced. Image systems can become the calling card of a director or create a feeling of symmetry in the movie. I haven’t watched a lot of movies, but Walt Disney had an image system in place. Each movie he created or had a hand in was vivid in primary colors, usually had a brilliant musical score, and a joyous ending.

I watched Bambi, Snow White, Jungle Book, The Aristocats, Chitty-chitty Bang-bang, Mary Poppins, The Fox and the Hound, just to name a few. Mr. Disney had local ties to the Sequim area, and, for that reason, I found him to be interesting. The Olympic Game Farm was started by a man named Lloyd Bebee and he started filming wild animals and Disney took interest. He started incorporating the film into movies and eventually filmed several productions on the Olympic Peninsula.Scenes from both Those Calloways and Charlie the Lonesome Cougar were filmed here. Disney loved nature as much as he did cartooning and used a lot of animals in his non-cartoon movies. You could even say that he had an image system in place!