How I will use Social Media to Promote My Brand

Looking at the infographics shows me that Facebook is still the number one used social media site. I have the most followers on Facebook, too. I have been on it longer than any other platform, so that makes sense.  I also use Instagram and Snapchat regularly but only to look at.

I intend to use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn Primarily for now. I will build content that is engaging and interactive. I want to answer peoples’ questions. I will try to use a lot of images, as that is what often attracts the customer. Staying on top of communications is another plan I have; I want to engage with people in as real time as I can.

I hope to develop a forward-thinking plan of posts, links, and images to post once or twice a week as regular posts are where your customers start counting on you. I can create a bond while I move forward, allowing the customer to lead some of my content. They will tell me what interests them, and I will try to deliver.

I have a lot to learn about social media, but I hope this class will plumb my brain on how to use it correctly.